Fitting strength training into your triathlon training week

Fitting strength training into your triathlon training week

Combining strength and endurance is hard for many triathletes.

Our goal is always to use strength training to augment our endurance training.

Not destroy our legs and make the endurance training harder.

So where should you put it in your week?

Keep your hard days hard and your easy days easy.

The idea of polarized training is also a great way narrow down where to put your strength training.

For better recovery we want to keep our easy days - very easy.

And our hard days, hard.

Hard in this case means an increased training load on that day.

The best time to do your strength workout is the same day as a hard endurance session.

It can be any sport but we are pairing the increased load together.

This keeps your easy days for recovery.

And avoids the mechanical loading of strength.

Keep your strength as far away from long days as possible.

During specific training blocks keep strength sessions away from long days.

This again makes sure you’re recovered enough to get the desired stimulus from your long day.

You could in theory do it the same day, but I usually aim for the day after.

Yes. Your legs will be tired but you will have lots of recovery time before your next long session.

An example training week with 2x strength sessions mixed with triathlon training:

This is assuming you are training 2x for each sport. The schedule gets more full with 3-4x for each sport.

A few other FAQs for strength training

How many reps and sets should I do for strength training?

If you’re getting started with strength training I would simplify things and stick to 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps. In this rep range you should be able to get sufficient work done without being in a range that could injure you.

How do I pick a good weight?

I like to teach the 2 rep rule. In the last set you should have 2 reps in the tank. That usually means you have a heavy enough weight for the exercise. If you’re not in that range: increase weight or reps or set.

Home or gym for workouts?

This depends on what you have access to and what you’re willing to invest in. You can get a great session with what I list in the next question. If you already have access to a full gym with a membership then you can always do the workouts there.

What do I need to strength train at home?

You can create a great strength training program for home with these tools.

  • 1-2 sets of DB (1 light, 1 heavy)
  • A mod-heavy KB
  • Some large bands
  • Some mini bands
  • Bench, box or stable chair

One of the best investments you can make for your strength training routine is to build a mini set-up for home.

That’s all for today!

If you have any other questions about strength training let me know by replying to this email.


104-50 Boyne Court, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 0S5
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